Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am convinced now that I no longer need all my "junk". I have been cleaning out all my yard sale and thrift store finds for the past couple of months. I used to pride myself on the fact that I could decorate my whole house from a thrift store. True you can find some great deals, but who needs a whole garbage bag full of mismatched coffee mugs just because it was $5.00. Since getting rid of a bunch of things I feel better and my house is cleaner. Now I can actually see all the stuff that I want. My new rule is that if I do not wear it in a year ( I'm giving myself a while) then it goes to the consignment shop or thrift store. I have also noticed that I am not cleaning all the time now. It has opened up my time and my heart to be a better mom to my kids. I don't feel so weighed down all the time. Not only has it helped me mentally and physically but spiritually as well. I believe it is biblical (although I don't know where to recall it from) to keep our lives free and clear of anything that will keep our mind off of Him. And that was exactly what I was doing. If I could not find something, I would just go buy it...again. And then I became obsessed with having everything to fit into a perfect lifestyle - which was unattainable because I had all this "junk". Whew, exhale and smile.