Monday, March 30, 2009

Pepper Fruit

Okay - I had to write about this... :)

My next to last week of dieting and Coach decides to throw in Pepper Fruit to my diet. For everyone else this is called Grape Fruit. I had been fighting the diet and even whined about it (imagine that). :) So yesterday, I was fed up and decided that I would go by the store and grab one just to see. (BTW - Coach helped me see how closed minded I had been). It HAD been 20 years since I had tried it last. Well, guess what!!!???!!!??? I actually liked it! It still has a little bit of that pepper taste that I remembered but it was a little sweeter too! And it felt REALLY good to eat some fruit. So, I guess I need to apoligize to all the grape fruit lovers out there, when I stuck up my nose at you and made a yacking sound. Will you forgive?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting There...

Well I guess you could say I am getting there. I have 4 weeks left until the BIG Day. Here are a couple of pics we took on Friday. I will get weighed in tommrow and let everyone know the outcome as soon as I hear it!

BTW - I met with Mrs. Sissy today and finalized my dance part. It's AWESOME!! I can't wait to show everyone!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Too Cute!!!!

Here is a pic of Brant looking sooo cute as Dad's little fighter. He's got his Super Gloves on. :)

Forgot the pic

Here it is....

It's been awhile

Sooo, my ankle has healed! It has actually been good for a while now, I believe I was working out again by that Monday. Thank you Jesus!! However, I was running to the car yesterday and I turned it over again. I was in the same shoes too! I think it's time to throw them away. :)

Over the weekend we went to Barley Visible. I found the suit I want. But you know me, Champagne taste on a beer budget. It was the first suit I put on, absolutely beautiful!!! When I asked how much $$, the lady told me it was in the high 400's. Which ended up being with tax, over $500.00. Here is a pic. LOTS Of BLING!! (That's what costs so much)

Also, I wanted to tell everyone something cool that happened on Sat. I was driving home from Barley Visible and I heard on Q100 to be the 100th caller to win Britney Spears tickets. I called, and was # 79. So I hung up, thinking that if they are already that high that I would not win, but I called again anyway. Brittney (the announcer) answered the phone and said:

Britany: Q 100
Brittney: Hey, Did I win
Britany: Yup, you sure did, what's your name?
Brittney: Brittney
Britany: That's my name
Brittney: I know (in a high cheerleader voice)
Britany: And your going to see Britney
Brittney: I know (in an even higher cheerleader voice) (then Brant started yelling in the background)
Britany: Hey who is that, do you have little Britney's in the back?
Brittney: No, boys.
Britany: Oh, you have blank, and blank (Britney Spear's boys names)
Brittney: (This is where it's really funny) Yea, I have a Brant and a Drew.
Britany: So, are you a hot single mamma?
Brittney: No, I have a Rocky.

As you can see I was REALLY nervous but I am super excited to see Britney this Thursday. We looked up the tickets online and they are about $300+ tickets. Oh, what FUN!!!!