Monday, March 30, 2009

Pepper Fruit

Okay - I had to write about this... :)

My next to last week of dieting and Coach decides to throw in Pepper Fruit to my diet. For everyone else this is called Grape Fruit. I had been fighting the diet and even whined about it (imagine that). :) So yesterday, I was fed up and decided that I would go by the store and grab one just to see. (BTW - Coach helped me see how closed minded I had been). It HAD been 20 years since I had tried it last. Well, guess what!!!???!!!??? I actually liked it! It still has a little bit of that pepper taste that I remembered but it was a little sweeter too! And it felt REALLY good to eat some fruit. So, I guess I need to apoligize to all the grape fruit lovers out there, when I stuck up my nose at you and made a yacking sound. Will you forgive?

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