Okay, I have a lot of catching up to do.. I will start from the beginning and hopefully catch everyone up on all the exciting news. I will do it all in
seperate posts because it is just a lot of stuff!
Two weeks before my
birmingham show
missils started firing.
Things at work have been complicated.
Things at Rock's work have been complicated.
My dryer died.
My fridge died.
My parents were moving in.
My tire goes flat.
My Dad has a heart attack.
My car battery died.
I know there is more, but that's enough to post right now. As you can see things were not looking good for us. I felt like giving up!!! This is all just too hard to do.
However, I worked
thru it. I blocked a lot out, and was trying to focus on my training and my family. I continued to stay on my diet. I ate cold green beans and chicken at the hospital.
Only once, did I fall into temptation. On the way home we stopped by Quick Trip and I had a coffee and some of Drew's doughnut. YUM!! It was great!!