Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, if you have read the next to last posting you saw that I went a wee little out of control with my eating. So now I am paying for it. Let just say that I gained around 5lbs in 4 days. And I didn't even eat McDonalds. LOL!!
Anyway, after the "weigh in" on Tuesday I went into a little bit of depression. I had a REALLY hard day besides the weigh in and everything seemed to just dump on me that day. Wednesday, I woke up feeling a lot better and with a new attitude. I just hope I can keep up the intensity for 11 more weeks. That is when my next show is. That right, I am doing another show. And this time I want to WIN!!!!!
Good news, I have already lost some of that weight. I am around 120 now.
(Cool to know)
Last time I kept a paper diet journal for my foods and it helped a lot to see what I was eating. However, I have stumbled upon a really cool website for tracking calories and exercise. It has helped a lot this week. It is FREE, and has just about every food I could think of. Even, Good Value (Wal-mart's brand). The website is I encourage you to sign up and start tracking your food, you won't believe how much this tool helps you.
It also has a function that you can set a goal weight and it gives you the calories you need daily to make that weight. I can't use this right now, b/c I am on a special diet, but if I was just starting out with weight loss this would be awesome!!

1 comment:

cars... said...

Thanks so much for the site info. I went on and joined and I LOVE IT!
Its alot easier to track things and see what you need. I love it. you are the best and good luck with round 2. I will be watching and keeping up with your progress. I love to read new posts. :-)