Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I took home first place in Birmingham!!! I won my division in Open Figure Short Class. I crossed over into Fitness model and placed 2nd! I had a blast!!! It was all worth it once it was over and of course I was ready to do it again.
Mandy placed 2nd in Open Figure Short Class and Carmen placed 3rd!!
I had to do a pose down with the winner of the Open Figure Tall Class to get my pro-card. She won, so no I am not a pro yet. What do you expect, it was only my second show! :)


I have figured out I am a little tougher than I give myself credit for. Thru all the trails I faced and are still facing I am staying postive and learning a lot. Thank you Jesus!! To HIM be the glory, because without Him I would not be where I am at.

Here is the last "results" email that I got from Coach. He had some pretty good things to say:

You are now at 11.04% body fat- loss of .11. Take away the one pinch side formula and you are at 10.21% (12.67% in April) Your tape measure dropped 1.01% - now at 19.52% (you were at 20.73 in April Your 6 caliper pinches re now at 34 You lost 1/3rd of a pound of fat and also lost 1.65 pounds of lean. You look phenomenal. I don't want to guess what the judges will see or what your competition will look like, but you should be very proud and confident going into Saturday. There will be no better abs on stage - male or female. That should really help in the scoring. Back, thighs and calfs are also to die for. Be confident on stage and show the judges you expect to be the winner. Good luck and we will see you Saturday morning.Robert

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some catching up to do!

Okay, I have a lot of catching up to do.. I will start from the beginning and hopefully catch everyone up on all the exciting news. I will do it all in seperate posts because it is just a lot of stuff!

Two weeks before my birmingham show missils started firing.

Things at work have been complicated.
Things at Rock's work have been complicated.
My dryer died.
My fridge died.
My parents were moving in.
My tire goes flat.
My Dad has a heart attack.
My car battery died.

I know there is more, but that's enough to post right now. As you can see things were not looking good for us. I felt like giving up!!! This is all just too hard to do.

However, I worked thru it. I blocked a lot out, and was trying to focus on my training and my family. I continued to stay on my diet. I ate cold green beans and chicken at the hospital.
Only once, did I fall into temptation. On the way home we stopped by Quick Trip and I had a coffee and some of Drew's doughnut. YUM!! It was great!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Created by MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hey Guys,

I think I told everyone that I have been hitting it hard the last two weeks. Well, it shows! :) Here are my new results......(From Coach)

You lost 1.86% body fat - Now at 11.90% (12.67% in April). You can hit 10% by show time.
Tape measure bf dropped slightly - .12% - now at 21.84%
6 Criticals are now at 37.5 millimeters - a drop of 24 mm. (41.5 in april) HOORAH!
You lost 2.79 pounds of fat but also lost 1.46 pounds of lean (remember this could be fluid and internal fat as well as some muscle._)

I hope this will be enough motivation to keep me going. I have had a pretty tough day mentally with other things, and I think that if I can just stay strong today I can do it!!!

BTW - My next show is in Birmingham on July 11th. And then after that we head to Charleston on July 18th. It's coming so much quicker than I thought it would. I have to get started on a routine!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Yes, I have been missing in action. Honestly, I have been too scared to post lately. After I hit "publish post" on mother's day I was feeling real fine with myself and proceeded to the kitchen where I kicked back 20 nilla wafers and about 8 cups of milk. Ouch! I think in my mind, I felt I somehow deserved it b/c I had done so well without the cheesecake. The next day I had a weigh in; and let's just say I did not do well. I will not post the results because I basically wasted two weeks of my training.
I kind of use my blog as a therapeutic tool and I really did need to get back to posting b/c I have been a big ball of nerves for a while now.
Tomorrow is weigh in again and I hope that I will have something REALLY good to tell you. Besides resisting cake and doughnuts I have been working in our garden and catching up on some office work. Other than that, I do not have any real excuses for not posting. One of these days I will post some updated pics of myself - but not today! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day. I hope that you were able to take a little time of pampering for yourself. Every mother deserves it!!
At 4:00 yesterday I had my nails done! YESSS (Finally)! Actually, I had the fake nails taken off. I did not realize how much better they would feel once they were off. I can type again. HeeHee.

My mother's day indulgence:

6 almonds (which is on my diet)
2 calcium chews

I crushed them together and made a snack like candy. Don't you just envy me????

Funny Story - I almost had a melt down yesterday. I had to go into Publix to get some Spinach and I walked by the bakery. A HUGE piece of cheesecake was calling my name. I stared at it like a little kid wanting a puppy. I was just praying that the person behind the counter did not ask me if I wanted anything (they did not). So, I walked away. I went and got my spinach and on the way up to the register, I thought: You know what, I will just buy it and take a bite. God was looking out for me b/c when I walked back over to the bakery there were tons of people and it was close to my dinner time and figured that's why I was jonesing cheesecake so much, so I left. Basically, the only "treat" that I got from Publix was a few calories burned walking back and forth from the bakery.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I have not posted for soooo long. I have been terribly busy! Which is not an excuse. It is actually therapeutic for me to blog!! I was browsing the Beverly website today and I came across a quote that I wanted to share. I have no idea who it came from, but WOW is it good!!

Here it is....

"We must all suffer from one of two pains, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is; discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons."

I am going to post this everywhere! On my fridge, mirror, car - well you get the idea. I need to be reminded of this a lot!!

BTW - Here are my results from Tuesday's "weigh in".

You lost 2.26% body fat - Now at 14.44%
Tape measure dropped .94% - Now at 23.14%
6 Critical pinches dropped 10.5 millimeters - Now at 51 mm.
All of your weight loss was fat - 3.25 pounds. Your lean mass stayed the same. Good comeback!RAB

I hope all of you are staying dry and having a great week!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, if you have read the next to last posting you saw that I went a wee little out of control with my eating. So now I am paying for it. Let just say that I gained around 5lbs in 4 days. And I didn't even eat McDonalds. LOL!!
Anyway, after the "weigh in" on Tuesday I went into a little bit of depression. I had a REALLY hard day besides the weigh in and everything seemed to just dump on me that day. Wednesday, I woke up feeling a lot better and with a new attitude. I just hope I can keep up the intensity for 11 more weeks. That is when my next show is. That right, I am doing another show. And this time I want to WIN!!!!!
Good news, I have already lost some of that weight. I am around 120 now.
(Cool to know)
Last time I kept a paper diet journal for my foods and it helped a lot to see what I was eating. However, I have stumbled upon a really cool website for tracking calories and exercise. It has helped a lot this week. It is FREE, and has just about every food I could think of. Even, Good Value (Wal-mart's brand). The website is I encourage you to sign up and start tracking your food, you won't believe how much this tool helps you.
It also has a function that you can set a goal weight and it gives you the calories you need daily to make that weight. I can't use this right now, b/c I am on a special diet, but if I was just starting out with weight loss this would be awesome!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Special Thanks!

Before I start round 2 tomorrow I just wanted to tell some people Thank you!

First, my hubby, Rocky. He has had to deal with temper tantrums, spending sprees and long hours with the kids. You are awesome, and I love you sooo much.

Second, my coach Robert Bailey. You are the best! I LOVE working out with you and Carmen.

Third, Carmen. Thank you for letting me be competitive (whatever you can do, I can do better) LOL!! I am so glad that we have had this chance of getting to know each other.

Fourth, Charlotte. Thank you for staying up late and putting on my tan and then getting up at 5:00 am to put three more coats on! Also, thank you for all the advice.

Fifth, I had three rockin babysitters during this journey. Bekah Moody, Danielle, and Michelle. Thank you for watching my kids and letting me train, worry free.

Last but not least... All of my friends and family that supported me and prayed for me during this time. I totally felt all the prayers and good wishes!

I know that I am leaving someone out, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you all, and without your help and support I could not do this.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Pics

Here are a few pics that I wanted to share. I needed to be a lot more darker, but you live and learn!! Next time will be soooo different!! I'm not discouraged, actually more motivated!! Carmen is in the middle picture with me, she is my wonderful gym partner. I just LOVE her!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Sunday After ( A tale of some fine food)

On my journey to my weight loss goals I have had to give up some of my favorite foods. Including doughnuts, cakes chocolate (okay, you get it - anything with sugar) Well, after my competition on Saturday we decided to IHOP and let's just say what happened after that was not pretty.

12:00 a.m.
On the way to the restaurant I had three girl scout cookies, once I got to IHOP I had an Egg and Cheese Sandwich, two pancakes, onion rings dipped in syrup. A big cup of coffee with creme and sugar.

8:00 a.m.
Biscuits and Gravy, Cantaloupe, Eggs, Oatmeal with granola, raisins, and syrup.

10:00 a.m.
Drew's left over Eggs and Cheese, 4 pieces of buttered toast with cheese and jelly. 2 Doodlebugs (creme cheese and cresant rolls with a sugar glaze), and one brownie, one Reece's p-nut butter egg.

1:00 p.m.
Turkey and cheese with mayo sandwich, potato chips. 1 Airhead. 12 Cadburry eggs (small ones)

4:00 pm
Steak, french fries, ketchup. Three brownies.

6:00 pm
2 Chocolate bunnies

And here is where I got sick.....
8:00 pm
Two bowls of cereal (Trix)

The next day was not really any better, I started off pretty good, but ended horriblbly.

Here is a listing of just the junk I had.

3 chocolate bunnies (crispy)
1 Airhead
4 Cadburry eggs (one package)
7 girlscout cookies with whip creme
6 Jellybeans
I know there is more, I just can't think of it right now.

Anyway, I will never compete again at that rate, I ate until I did not want to eat anymore. This morning I am trying to eat good. Right this minute I am eating eggwhites, oatmeal 1/2 banana and yogurt. Pray warriors please pray that I will stop eating junk and that I will not gain 10lbs this week!!!

I love ya'll, thanks for following my blog!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I did not win(or place). But I had a lot of fun and learned a ton!! I really need to lose a little bit more weight and tone up some things and then I think I will be ready. It's the day after the show and I am already to get back in the game and kick some booty (mine). LOL!!! Thank you to everyone who supported and prayed for me throughout this whole process. Trust me, the prayers were felt!! As soon as I get some really good pictures back I will post them but until then I will leave you a teaser. Check out the girl beside me, she placed 5th. We had some pretty tough competition! Oh, I can't wait to share with everyone my tanning story!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

1 Week out

Well I am less than one week out before my big competition. I guess you could say that I am a little nervous, okay a lot nervous. My house has never been so clean! :) Rocky is happy! Today I started Sodium loading. I will be doing that until Wednesday. I LOVE it! I am not sure why but I feel a lot fuller, (probably bloated) LOL! Anyway, it was great adding salt to everything. I am not a big salt eater but it was something different. As soon as I find my camera I will upload pics of my suit. It is beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pepper Fruit

Okay - I had to write about this... :)

My next to last week of dieting and Coach decides to throw in Pepper Fruit to my diet. For everyone else this is called Grape Fruit. I had been fighting the diet and even whined about it (imagine that). :) So yesterday, I was fed up and decided that I would go by the store and grab one just to see. (BTW - Coach helped me see how closed minded I had been). It HAD been 20 years since I had tried it last. Well, guess what!!!???!!!??? I actually liked it! It still has a little bit of that pepper taste that I remembered but it was a little sweeter too! And it felt REALLY good to eat some fruit. So, I guess I need to apoligize to all the grape fruit lovers out there, when I stuck up my nose at you and made a yacking sound. Will you forgive?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting There...

Well I guess you could say I am getting there. I have 4 weeks left until the BIG Day. Here are a couple of pics we took on Friday. I will get weighed in tommrow and let everyone know the outcome as soon as I hear it!

BTW - I met with Mrs. Sissy today and finalized my dance part. It's AWESOME!! I can't wait to show everyone!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Too Cute!!!!

Here is a pic of Brant looking sooo cute as Dad's little fighter. He's got his Super Gloves on. :)

Forgot the pic

Here it is....

It's been awhile

Sooo, my ankle has healed! It has actually been good for a while now, I believe I was working out again by that Monday. Thank you Jesus!! However, I was running to the car yesterday and I turned it over again. I was in the same shoes too! I think it's time to throw them away. :)

Over the weekend we went to Barley Visible. I found the suit I want. But you know me, Champagne taste on a beer budget. It was the first suit I put on, absolutely beautiful!!! When I asked how much $$, the lady told me it was in the high 400's. Which ended up being with tax, over $500.00. Here is a pic. LOTS Of BLING!! (That's what costs so much)

Also, I wanted to tell everyone something cool that happened on Sat. I was driving home from Barley Visible and I heard on Q100 to be the 100th caller to win Britney Spears tickets. I called, and was # 79. So I hung up, thinking that if they are already that high that I would not win, but I called again anyway. Brittney (the announcer) answered the phone and said:

Britany: Q 100
Brittney: Hey, Did I win
Britany: Yup, you sure did, what's your name?
Brittney: Brittney
Britany: That's my name
Brittney: I know (in a high cheerleader voice)
Britany: And your going to see Britney
Brittney: I know (in an even higher cheerleader voice) (then Brant started yelling in the background)
Britany: Hey who is that, do you have little Britney's in the back?
Brittney: No, boys.
Britany: Oh, you have blank, and blank (Britney Spear's boys names)
Brittney: (This is where it's really funny) Yea, I have a Brant and a Drew.
Britany: So, are you a hot single mamma?
Brittney: No, I have a Rocky.

As you can see I was REALLY nervous but I am super excited to see Britney this Thursday. We looked up the tickets online and they are about $300+ tickets. Oh, what FUN!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Be careful what you ask for

Today I was talking to a girl at the convenient store about wanting to take a breather and relax some with Rocky. (Was not even thinking about working out, just our busy schedule). I had no more than walked out of the store and I sprained my ankle. So I am now on RICE! (Thanks coach for the tip) R-Rest, I-Ice, C-Compression, E-Elevate.

I hope to be working out again by the weekend. But tomorrow I am just going to take it nice and easy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Countdown Timer

Just a reminder of how long I have. I found this on the web, and it looked like something cool to have on my blog. Countdown Timer


Okay, sorry... To see the picture you have to click on the title below that says Style 198. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

style 198

Here is the suit type that I really want. Except I do not like the bottoms, I would rather have material there and the stones over it, (in the same design). This girl is beautiful!! I hope to look at least 1/2 as good as her by April 11th!

style 198

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New results

Okay, I just have to post SOMETHING to keep those pics from being the first thing you see. Tuesday we got measured again and here is the email that Coach sent me.

Brittney, You dropped .78% body fat and are now at 16.60%. In 3 months you dropped about 5.75% body fat (and two of those months you were not working with me and it was the holidays).If you can at least do the same in the next 2.4 months you will be at below 12% body fat. your tape measure BF dropped .29% to 23.48%. Your 6 critical pinches dropped 5 millimeters to 60 mm. That is 12 in one month. Keep that pace up and you will be at 36 mm by April. This measurement you dropped 1.36 pounds of fat and .89 pounds of lean. Since 10-21-08 you have lost 9 pounds of fat and gained about 1.25 pounds of lean mass. In the month of January you lost about 4 pounds of fat and gained about 1.2 pounds of lean. (Normally one will lose 1 pound of lean for every 3 pounds of fat loss) You should be below 120 by show time. Good job!Coach

It looks like I am on track. I just hope I can keep it up. It's only the beginning of February!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Shots

We took a few pics last night just to see if I have changed any. Here are a couple.

That backside has got to go! ASAP!!!

Before Pics

Here are some before pics that Coach emailed me. I put on an ill face b/c aren't before pics supposed to be dull and yuck? Well that's what I feel like looking at these pics. My favorite is the back shot....NOT!!!!
Come April, I will be (hopefully) wearing a big smile and a new body!!!! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Check out my competition song. (Hit play on the left) The routine is only 45 seconds so of course it has to be cut down. I am doing the 1st verse and then some chorus.

Rocky loves this song too, he wants it when he comes out to fight. It really gets us both jazzed!!!

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

End of Week 1

Okay, I am a little behind. So, I am going to try and capture the rest of the week in one post.

1st - I love my Coach and my partner!! I think they are both great. I am pushing myself so much right now, and it is great to have a Coach to guide me and a partner to live it out with me.

It's weird how I am adapting to my diet. I actually look forward to some of my meals. My favorite, which is considered my 3rd meal. I eat tuna fish, (milled) flax seed, mustard and spinage salad. Before when I could have fruit, I added a few rasians. Yum!!! It sounds gross, but I love it. I love to see people's face when I tell them about it. I have also been microwaving water at night and adding in the Beverly, Cookies and Creme protein. It's like drinking hot cocoa. And it's warm, so it's very nice at night.

I am starting to see a lot of definition! My arms are looking awesome!!
Thanks, Coach!!!! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 2

Good day all in all. I was mourning (sp?) my fellow hip-hop dancers though. It's just too much money right now to do both. I did get to the gym and I did a great pyramid cardio workout on the treadmill. Rock decided that he was going to make blueberry cheesecake muffins. I told him to make them up at my mother in laws (that live in front of us). He ended up making them down here but took them all up there and left them there. Thank you!!! Oh, I almost forgot... Coach gave me a new diet and I get ALMONDS!!!! You would not believe how happy I am. On the diet before there were so many times that I had wished I could have a few almonds. What a treat to have them now. I am a little sore from training on Tuesday. Mostly the middle of my chest. I have to admit though I do not mind being sore at all. That means I am doing something and pushing myself more than I had before.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 1

I have never felt better in my life!.......
Tuesday, was my first official training day with Coach Bailey. I have already been dieting and lifting but now it's on!!! I have a good start (I think) with my physique, I was already a little athletic. We took before pictures and as soon as I can get my hands on one I will post. We also took new "before" measurements. I am proud to say that I have lost everywhere!!! I have lost 3.40% body fat since 10.31.08. I went from 22.39% down to 18.99%, however my goal is 12%. I am super excited and ready!! I'm struggling with sweets though. It's really hard when I give my children something to not just take a bite myself. I am asking God to help me thru it. So far, so good!